Young women rise enhances the oil production business for women.

Young women rise enhances the oil production business for women. One method to boost the oil production capacity by a group of women in Chiradzulu is to optimize resource utilization and integrate advanced process technologies. This is exactly what Young Women Rise is aiming at achieving. Young women rise has invested funds to acquire the necessary raw materials for the ... Read More

YOWORI empowers Women with loans and business management skills.

Two women groups from T/A Ntchema and T/A Mpama in Chiradzulu district have received revolving loans and business skills after undergoing a two days’ business training organized by young women rise. This has been made possible, thanks to a project under Yes we can which ensure that women become financially independent. The business management training equipped the women with income ... Read More

Staff capacity building, a key to identify project improvement.

Staff capacity building, a key to identify project improvement. Young women rise has implemented a project with funding from Women international fund to train staff officers in monitoring and evaluation. The training provides a platform where both project officers and evaluation officer were able to identify areas for project improvement. Additionally, the officers are trained on how to make necessary ... Read More