In 2020 we were funded by Peartree development fund to implement a project on creating a safe space for girls. The project costed a total amount of 3000 pounds.  This project assisted the organization to construct 5 change rooms in 5 different schools in T/A Ntchema area while teaching teen mothers to produce reusable sanitary pads. Some of the schools that benefited from the initiative include Chiperere, Ndata, Chiweni, Muluma and Chikuli primary school. The change rooms are expected to assist over 500 girls that are absent from school during their menstrual days.

The project also aims to reduce the number of girls that drop out of school because of early pregnancies and lack of support during their menstrual days. The project started running in May 2020, going through schools for inspection and checking for schools that are in dire need of the development. In our honest opinion that went through these schools, every school in T/A Ntchema deserves the development however our resources were not sufficient. As we speak, 4 schools have successfully completed their construction and one school is on its way to completion. Finally, we are grateful to the community for contributing to the development of their school and community at large and for teachers and headteachers for facilitating this contribution. The pictures above show the rooms that were being used as change rooms in the schools and below, are the newly constructed change rooms in the schools. The development is expected to assist a minimum of 300 girls in each school.

implementing teamYOWORI
Traditional Authority Ntchema
Year Completed2020
FunderPearTree Development Fund

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