3 Days Business Management Training

Young Women Rise has organised a 3 days business Management Training targeting the displaced families of the newly formed Mussa Village. The training is part of the YOWORI’s Rays of Hope project funded by Hilden Charitable Fund funded.YOWORI believes that the project management training is very crucial for the participants in Chiradzulu for several reasons: Economic Empowerment: the training will ... Read More

“If you have been abused or violated, come forward and report it; we are here to assist you” – YOWORI.

“If you have been abused or violated, come forward and report it; we are here to assist you” – YOWORI. Young Women Rise has established a complaint desk in their office as a measure to combat gender-based violence. Young Women Rise is focused on establishing a supportive platform that encourages the free reporting of violence and abuse cases, providing a ... Read More

“Loans were provided to those who were not included in the oil and soap-making trainings,” stated YOWORI.

“Loans were provided to those who were not included in the oil and soap-making trainings,” stated YOWORI. Among the various economic empowerment initiatives undertaken by Young Women Rise, the provision of loans is a significant one. To guarantee financial equity among all women, Young Women Rise has been extending loans to those who are not involved in the oil and ... Read More

Young women rise enhances the oil production business for women.

Young women rise enhances the oil production business for women. One method to boost the oil production capacity by a group of women in Chiradzulu is to optimize resource utilization and integrate advanced process technologies. This is exactly what Young Women Rise is aiming at achieving. Young women rise has invested funds to acquire the necessary raw materials for the ... Read More