Staff capacity building, a key to identify project improvement.

Staff capacity building, a key to identify project improvement. Young women rise has implemented a project with funding from Women international fund to train staff officers in monitoring and evaluation. The training provides a platform where both project officers and evaluation officer were able to identify areas for project improvement. Additionally, the officers are trained on how to make necessary ... Read More

Young women rise in Youth Talent Promotion

Young women rise in Youth Talent Promotion Running concurrently, Young Women Rise also implemented a project called YOUTH ‘N’ TALENT with funding from Copyright Fund. This project was aimed at promoting local talent, awareness against piracy and advocating for the Copyright Fund. The project saw various youths walking away with artistic skills such as tie and dye, beading, recording of ... Read More

“YES, WE CAN”: A Tool for Enhancing Capacity and Empowering Businesses

“YES, WE CAN”: A Tool for Enhancing Capacity and Empowering Businesses The Young Women Rise and Women International Fund are spearheading a five-year project titled “YES WE CAN.” In 2023, the project’s objectives include enhancing staff capacity through training in monitoring and evaluation. Additionally, providing business management training for the intended beneficiaries. Additionally, the beneficiaries acquired a range of skills. ... Read More